Oil Wrestling Party

 There are so many wild things you can do on a Riga party weekend and we know just about everything there is to do. But we have a feeling that you’re here because you don’t know which activities in Riga you should book to build the perfect weekend in Riga. We’re glad you’re here because there is nothing we love more than putting a night in Riga together and making epic things happen!

Spend your weekend in Riga with friends doing only the most epic things that end up as unbelievable stories to tell when you get back home. One of those is a Mud/Oil Wrestling Party. If you’re wondering who exactly is going to be wrestling, the answer is two sexy strippers!

Satisfy your cravings for a raunchy show when you book an Oil Wrestling Party and watch as the sexiest strippers in Riga get themselves all wet in their bikinis as they prepare to give you the sexiest wrestling match you will ever see.

To take your night in Riga to the next level, we suggest you bring an extra set of clothes so that you can join in on the fun and get up close and personal with the wet strippers!

Don’t even think about it! Just go ahead and do it! But please be careful when wrestling the strippers. They aren’t like your brothers who you wrestled when you were younger!

But then again, you’ll be all wet and slippery too and they might beat you!


  • Two enthusiastic Latvian hotties ready to wrestle
  • Three 5 minute rounds
  • One round of beer
  • A lovely, local guide
  • Return Transfers


2 hours


Minimum 10 persons




All Year

from € 65 per person

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