Quest Experience

Every city keeps it mysteries hidden deep inside its darkest streets. Every day people walk close to them, but can't see the evil near. The darkness is growing and its power is increasing. It never sleeps, it is always watching you from a dark corner, waiting for a moment to make a step towards taking someone’s soul. You can’t hide from it, it is always near. This city and its people need a savior! 

Have you got enough bravery and courage to fight with force of darkness? Have you got the resolve to face the creature, which is not alive for 400 years but still is not dead? 

Only you and your team can fight back the darkness! We are waiting for your help, Riga is waiting, and only you can save us and bring light to our city's darkest corners. Only you can light up people’s souls and free them from the curse of Evil.

But, please, don't wait too long, time is running out! Even now darkness is rising, don’t let it become too strong or no one will be able to stop it. Complete your unique quest and become a part of a legend.


  • English speaking guide
  • Return transfer
  • Quest instructions and briefing
  • 60 minutes quest time


2 hrs.


Be Prepared For Something Mysterious


Riga City Cener


All Year Long

from € 19 per person

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