Curling Experience

If you watched the Winter Olympics recently you will have no doubt been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to see if your team would get a medal in the curling. Now is the chance to take part yourself and see if you could be a contender for the next Winter Olympics. This new and exciting activity is suitable for young and old alike and when taking part you will see people from all walks of life and on a variety of types of holidays.

As well as excitement there can be lot of fun – especially for the more evil among us who would happily see our friends fall on the ice. There are 4 in a team and you get to choose how many sheets you want to play. However many you choose it is bound to be too few as once you get started, you will not want to stop. All the equipment you need will be provided and you will be given plenty of instructions. 

You will have a guide with you throughout the event and transfers to and from the venue. When booking there will have to be 8 of you as you need 4 on a team. Food and drink is not provided, but that will not stop you enjoying this activity all year round.


  • 2 hr Lane Hire
  • Instructor
  • Return Transfers
  • Guide
  • All Equipement
  • Plenty of Laughs


3 hours


Riga City Centre

from € 45 per person

Information about group

Party date *

Group size *


Contacts details

Name * Last Name *

E-mail * Phone *

Enter code

* required fields